
Showing posts from December, 2019

About me

Hello! My name is Shi, like shy, except that I'm not. So... Shi. I'm a 24 year old sustainability major at Arizona State University. I go to school online, paid for by my incredible job at Starbucks Coffee. I currently do two jobs for Starbucks. I work in a cafe and starting this January I will also be working on a 3 month project at the Tryer Center at the SCC aka Starbucks world headquarters in Seattle, WA.  Along the way i really hope to try and procure a full time position at the Tryer Center but I guess I'll have to keep you posted on how that goes. As to why I'm writing this, I have a passion for sustainability that started my first year at a community college where at the time I was studying to become an Agriculture Educator and FFA Advisor. I enrolled in a class called Sustainable Agriculture that really changed my life forever.All in all my experience at the community college was a bust but I moved cities, got a new job, then bought a house with my now husband